Early Childhood Family Education is wonderfully flexible in how, when, and where we hold groups that support our communities. One unique population you may consider serving are parents/caregivers of kiddos with unique needs.
At Connecting to Learn, we are passionate about empowering ALL families (by empowering all teachers and programs) to feel comfortable and competent in leading a group with diverse needs. While we have plans to create a volume that encompasses this topic with full guidance, we also want to be generous in sharing the resources we have curated to date, because it takes us quite a bit of time to get our lessons to the publishing stage in this busy season of life!

So, please enjoy our ***draft*** of ideas! There are links to some organizations specific to Minnesota that provide some amazing support to families.
Do you know of resources we should be sure to include in our eventual curriculum on this topic, please let us know: info@connectingtolearn.com