We are feeling so blessed from the kind and generous words we are hearing from so many of you regarding Connecting to Learn Curriculum Guide: Volume One! You are sharing with us how you are excited to use the tools it includes for fresh ideas, to equip new teachers, and some of you even put it to work this summer!
We want to pass that feeling forward to you, by giving you access to any of our three training modules for 75% off of regular price (that makes them $5 each!). This price will remain in effect until September 30th. Once you purchase the trainings, you are able to watch them an unlimited amount of times.
We have received several requests for providing trainings on-site at districts, but are unable to take time to make that happen (even though we would LOVE to come work with your program!!!). Recording some of our presentations is our next best way to get some training into your hands that is specific to parent/child education programs!
To purchase any of the modules head to: https://www.connectingtolearn.com/trainings
Choose the training of your choice.
Click "Join." (You'll see a full description of content of the module)
Click "Join" once more. This should take you to the check out page.
Enter your card info and contact info. Once you click "Buy Now" you'll get a fresh screen with access to the training.
You may then access the training right away or access it at any time from the website.
Click on the title of the presentation on the left bar of the screen to open the actual presentation (it will be a video). This is under where it says "overview."
You can visit the website at any time to watch your purchased training!
At this time, we have trainings that cover 3 topics:
Circle Time 101
Parent Ed: Connection & Communication
Parent Ed: Goals, Guidelines, and Content
Questions? Just let us know! info@connectingtolearn.com